Album 64 NEWS!


Hey, nerds! Oh boy… so… I have to give you some bad news. According to AIOWiki, Album 64: Under the Surface no longer includes the Buck and Eugene adventure where they take a road trip to find out about Buck’s past. It was replaced by an episode called “Sir Buddy’s Snow Day“, and you can guess who got the slot instead of fan-favorites Buck and Eugene. That’s right… Buddy Norman. According to AIOWiki, there will be a narrator, Buddy’s dad Derek Norman, and of course, Buddy himself.

According to AIOWiki, we also have the titles of two other mystery episodes, the untitled Trickle Lake Adventure is now called Out of the Picture, and will include (as the cover shows), Whit, Wooton, Penny, and Eugene. Out of the Picture is a rather ominous title, don’t you think? It’s set up to be the season finale of Album 64.

The episode that includes a creepy clown, entitled “Your Honest Opinion, Please” is now the opening episode of the album.

The Jones and Parker Detective Agency mystery is now called “The Secret of the Writer’s Ruse“. No writer has of yet been named, although it was likely Bob Hoose.

And then of course next comes Sir Buddy’s Snow Day, and then the two-parter Imagination Station Adventure called “David and Absalom“, parts one and two. These two adventures will feature Olivia and Matthew as they view the story off… you guessed it, David and Absalom.

And then the season finale will be the aforementioned episode Out of the Picture.

What do you think about this new episode lineup? Excited? Disappointed because BUCK AND EUGENE ARE NOT IN IT NOW!?!?!? Let me know in the comments! This is Kungfunaomi reminding you to come in and nerd out at Odysseynerds!


Source/VIA: AIOWiki

One thought on “Album 64 NEWS!

  1. I am kind of disappointed right now. Although that’s just my initial reaction, we can guess what’ll it be about by the title, and I’m thinking think back to Alex and Cal’s snow day episode, which was fun and silly. I guess it all boils down to how it differs from that, and hoping we’ll still hear Buck and Eugene’s road trip in 65. The writers don’t just mash episodes together in the same album, there’s usually a balance between the serious stuff, and the not so serious stuff.
    I’m fine with waiting a lil’ longer, I’ve waited before.

    Liked by 2 people

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