The Nerdlies, Issue 50

Whit’s End Opens Souvenir Counter

By Kungfunaomi

It has finally happened. Whit will be away for the next month, healing after saving the world. Connie Kendall and Eugene Meltsner saw the perfect opportunity to begin selling Whit’s End souvenirs.
The pair of them retrofitted the old broom closet into the perfect souvenir counter: “The kind that is uncomfortably filled with all manner of items, and the lack of oxygen makes one experience claustrophobia,” Eugene told us, “and yet, people still purchase the overpriced mugs and magnets as if they enjoy the atmosphere.”
The mugs and magnets he mentioned are only two of the hundreds of items that have the following picture of Whit’s face on them:

Connie told us that she really likes the waffle maker that makes the waffles with an imprint of Whit’s face on them. “Especially when you put whipped cream for the moustache,” she said, “it just makes me laugh every time.”



This is the last issue of the Nerdlies! Thank you for all your support through 49 issues! Read them all here:

I hear you say ‘what?’ 49 issues? Well, yes, this is really issue 49. I have been doing these for six months, and only realized with issue number “50” that I am missing Issue 16. Can’t win them all! 

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